Books الأطفال يتعلمون ما يعايشونه Download Online Free

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Original Title: Children Learn What They Live
ISBN: 282203613
Edition Language: Arabic
Books الأطفال يتعلمون ما يعايشونه  Download Online Free
الأطفال يتعلمون ما يعايشونه Paperback | Pages: 269 pages
Rating: 4.22 | 345 Users | 47 Reviews

Specify Containing Books الأطفال يتعلمون ما يعايشونه

Title:الأطفال يتعلمون ما يعايشونه
Author:Dorothy Law Nolte
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:الاولى
Pages:Pages: 269 pages
Published:2005 by مكتبة جرير (first published 1998)
Categories:Nonfiction. Parenting. Education. Inspirational

Description Toward Books الأطفال يتعلمون ما يعايشونه

سوف يساعدك هذا الكتاب على أن تصبح الوالد الذي طالما حلمت بأن تكونه، وأن تربي أطفالاً تفخر بهم دائماً، كما يعمل هذا الكتاب القائم على الفطرة السليمة على مساعدة جيل جديد من الآباء في تنشئة أبنائهم بحكمة، وتفجير الثروات الكامنة داخلهم، وذلك عن طريق تعليمهم القيم الثمينة في الحياة من خلال القدوة الحسنة.

Rating Containing Books الأطفال يتعلمون ما يعايشونه
Ratings: 4.22 From 345 Users | 47 Reviews

Rate Containing Books الأطفال يتعلمون ما يعايشونه
Workman publishing : New YorkAuther: Dorothy Law Nolte7words: inspiring value children parents relationship growth hospitality5hoursWhat's good about this book?Of course I haven't had kids yet and havent even thought of it, but this book tells me how to treat students who cannot perform well.We often meet some students who do something wrong or make mistakes.This book teaches readers not only the way to raise children but also the way to treat complicated students' feeling.Moreover, we learn how

I thought this book was extremely practical not just in the various acts of parenting described but also in specific ways to implement the principles including suggested wording. Not written with a Christian worldview, so read with discernment, but so many biblical principles here that a Christian parent could easily support these concepts with scripture. Children are continuously learning from their parents. Your children are paying attention to you. Perhaps not what you tell them to do, but

This is a really good book!

The general message makes sense, but some of the examples used are dated.

This is a really good book!

Based on Dorothy Law Nolte's poem of the same name, Children Learn What They Live expands each couplet into a magical recipe for future generations. A book written for parents and equally inspirational for passionate educators, Nolte reminds us all of the power of influence and the need to lead by example. This book of not-so-common common sense urges parents to raise their kids with positivity, praise, truthfulness, and friendliness--creating an environment of trust and a world of difference in

great parenting advice

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