Define Books Supposing نهج البلاغه
Original Title: | نهج البلاغة |
Literary Awards: | کتاب سال جمهوری اسلامی ایران (1991) |
علي بن أبي طالب
Hardcover | Pages: 173 pages Rating: 4.56 | 1725 Users | 179 Reviews
Description As Books نهج البلاغه
نهج البلاغة اسم وضعه الشريف الرضي على كتاب جمع فيه المختار من كلام الإمام علي بن أبي طالب في الخطب والمواعظ والحِكَم وغيرها. ويعد جمع نهج البلاغة من أبرز ما تركه الشريف الرضي.تنوع موضوعات نهج البلاغة: معارف راقية في التوحيد، مثل إلهية سامية، نصائح ومواعظ، بيان وتحليل للأحداث السياسية والاجتماعية، عهود للولاة وتنبيههم وغير ذلك.
بعد مقدمة قصيرة، يضع المؤلف كلام علي في ثلاثة أقسام: الخطب والكتب والحكم، مضيفاً إليه ـ كلما اقتضى الأمر ـ توضيحات مختصرة مفيدة.
وقد احتوى نهج البلاغة على 241 خطبة، و79 كتاباً، و480 حكمة من حكم علي.
حاول السيد الرضي في نهج البلاغة ـ كما يشير اسم الكتاب ـ إلى انتقاء أبلغ وأجمل الأحاديث المروية عن علي ليضعها في هذا الكتاب. وهذه الخصوصية هي سر بقاء الكتاب وخلوده على الرغم من أحداث التاريخ العصيبة وسبب شهرته عدّ بعض الباحثين نحواً من 370 مؤلفاً حول نهج البلاغة من الشرح والتفسير والترجمة وغيرها، وقد طبعت إلى الآن نحو من خمس عشرة ترجمة لنهج البلاغة. وهذا ما يوضح إلى حد ما مكانة الكتاب وقيمته بين المسلمين.
ومن أشهر تحقيقات نهج البلاغة تحقيق محمد عبده وصبحي الصالح.
* الكتاب مكون من 4 أجزاء:
الجزء الأول: مقدمة الشريف الرضي ويشرح فيها سبب جمعه للكتاب وملخص الكتاب.
الجزء الثاني: خطب أمير المؤمنين وفيه مجموعة من الخطب التي ألقاها الإمام علي على الناس.
الجزء الثالث: كتب أمير المؤمنين وفيه فحوى بعض الكتب والرسائل التي ارسلها الإمام علي إلى عماله في الأمصار أو أعدائه.
الجزء الرابع: حكم أمير المؤمنين وفيه مقتطفات من كلام الإمام علي وحكمه ووصايا.

Present About Books نهج البلاغه
Title | : | نهج البلاغه |
Author | : | علي بن أبي طالب |
Book Format | : | Hardcover |
Book Edition | : | Anniversary Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 173 pages |
Published | : | January 2001 (first published 800) |
Categories | : | Religion. Islam. Nonfiction |
Rating About Books نهج البلاغه
Ratings: 4.56 From 1725 Users | 179 ReviewsEvaluation About Books نهج البلاغه
The sheer wisdom and knowledge contained in this volume is both humbling and awe inspiring. As a collection of Imam Ali's speeches, sayings, writings, and letters, it provides a gateway into the mind of perhaps the wisest and most learned man ever to walk the earth, after the Holy Prophet himself.After reading this volume, it becomes apparent why Imam Ali's "Peak of Eloquence" is hailed above the words of man, and second only to the revealed words of God Almighty, which are manifested in theOne of the most Amazing and Inspiring books I've ever read... Imam Ali (as) said: Praise be to Allah Who lies inside all hidden things, and towards Whom all open things guide. He cannot be seen by the eye of an onlooker, but the eye which does not see Him cannot deny Him while the mind that proves His existence cannot perceive Him. He is so high in sublimity that nothing can be more sublime than He, while in nearness, He is so near that no one can be nearer than He. But his sublimity does not
Full of wisdom and insights into so many practical aspects of life that it baffles you at times. A handbook of guidance to the right path. You get to learn from the great Hazrat Ali (Karam Allah Wajh) himself.

wonderful book full of wisdom and guidance and clever sayings.We understand the amazing personality that was ali ibn-abi talib (A.S) .As he has said,we know about someone threw they're letters and words and let our words known threw our communications of the mouth and pen.A rule book of the way a government should be,the way a father should be to his child,The rules of war and the importance of generosity and goodness to the people.A guidance that can be used threw out our life and a wonderful
I was gifted book (I suspect it was an attempt to proselytize). I began reading the introduction and for a full 40 pages the book kept saying how the writing was truly attributed to Ali. This was an ominous start. The truth is self evident, in my opinion. A book that needed to dedicate 40 pages to claim authenticity begins with a shaky foundation.As a Sunni Muslim, I hold Ali (r.a) in high regard. He was the first child to accept Islam, and he was a close associate of Muhammad (saw) who spent
Scholar Dashti translate a book from Imam Ali the successor of Prophet of Islam. The original book called Nahjol Balagheh that is collected letters and speech of Imam Ali by Seyed Razee 300 years after Ali ibn Abi Talib . There are a lot of Translation of this book in different language including English and Farsi. Between all Farsi translation of Nahjol Balagheh, Mr Dashti tried to use a method of detail classficiation of each part of Ali ibn Abi Talib letters or speeches in a simplest possible
This book was out of my depth, period; not because I couldn't comprehend the content, more so because I felt I couldn't do justice to the brilliance of the text, because of lacking requisite scholarship. The chapter explaining the unity of God was brilliant..why can the oneness of God every be quantified. The reason for giving it three stars is for poor editing, though. I found the book rife with mistakes.
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