Online Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde Books Download Free

Online Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde  Books Download Free
Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde Hardcover | Pages: 256 pages
Rating: 4.12 | 103 Users | 16 Reviews

Point Regarding Books Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde

Title:Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde
Author:Melissa Müller
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 256 pages
Published:January 15th 2009 by Elisabeth Sandmann (first published 2009)
Categories:Art. Nonfiction. History. War. World War II. Mystery. Crime. Holocaust. Art History

Narrative Toward Books Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde

Im größten Kunstraub aller Zeiten enteignete das Naziregime etwa 600 000 Kunstwerke aus jüdischem Besitz. Sie wurden gestohlen, beschlagnahmt, eingezogen, zwangsverkauft oder versteigert. Seit 1945 bemühen sich Geschädigte und Erben meist mit mäßigem Erfolg um die Rückgabe ihrer 'verlorenen Bilder', der oft letzten physisch greifbaren Erinnerungen an die in der NS-Zeit 'verlorenen Leben'. Während die Medien häufig nur über die heute zu erzielenden Kaufpreise der Bilder berichten, erzählt dieses Buch von den Menschen hinter den einstigen Sammlungen und gibt tiefe Einblicke in die Problematik der Kunstrestitution. Das Buch stellt die Biografien vor von: LILLY und CLAUDE CASSIRER, Berlin • PAUL WESTHEIM, Berlin • ALFRED, TEKLA und HANS HESS, Erfurt • LEO BENDEL, Berlin • ELEONORA und FRANCESCO VON MENDELSSOHN, Berlin • WALTER WESTFELD, Düsseldorf SOPHIE LISSITZKY-KÜPPERS, Hannover/München • MAX SILBERBERG, Breslau • MAX STEINTHAL, Berlin • OSCAR HULDSCHINSKY und ANN SOMMER, Berlin • ADELE und FERDINAND BLOCH-BAUER, Wien KARL GRÜNWALD, Wien ALMA MAHLER-WERFEL, Wien • ALPHONSE MAYER und LOUIS NATHANIEL DE ROTHSCHILD, Wien • JACQUES GOUDSTIKKER, Amsterdam (

Mention Books In Pursuance Of Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde

ISBN: 3938045302 (ISBN13: 9783938045305)
Edition Language: German
Literary Awards: LovelyBooks Leserpreis Nominee for Allgemeine Literatur (2009)

Rating Regarding Books Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde
Ratings: 4.12 From 103 Users | 16 Reviews

Assess Regarding Books Verlorene Bilder, verlorene Leben: Jüdische Sammler und was aus ihren Kunstwerken wurde
The writing is good, but there are so many names and different situations that it all became confused.

An amazing look into the Nazi system of "legitimate" looting to justify plundering the art collections of the wealthy (and I assume) not so wealthy jewish collections of some of the most beautiful pieces of art out there. The story of the persecution of hard working and loyal citizens is nothing new but within this book we get a real peek into the world of the museums and collectors of today that continue to justify hanging onto works with known and suspect provenance, paintings and objects of

Interesting book about owners of much of the lost art....some of the people mentioned are well know but many were not familiar to me. Also wish more pictures of the lost and stolen art could have been included....

The longer one reads this meticulously researched and beautifully illustrated work, the more depressed one becomes about the depths of deviousness, greed and dishonesty to which individuals can descend,especially when given the opportunity and "legal" imprimatur by government. The book recounts in detail the thousands of unethical dispossessions that were undertaken under the facade of "legality" by the nazis, and perhaps more shockingly, continued by postwar governments who also used the

Brief sketches of families who lost their families & fortunes to the Nazis. Really shows how the Nazis turned on their citizens with the abusive taxing systems - sending families bills for their relatives staying in concentration camps, and taxes designed to make sure when the wealthy fled they could not take their wealth with them. A very revealing book, with great photos of people & their fine art.

I didn't finish it, but I read a few chapters. It had some awkward writing, but the stories were very moving and the photographs amazing.

Just the foreword and introduction were enough to make me want to cry and feel sick. Not because they were gory or anything, but because it's upsetting to think about people being willing to be accessories after the fact in this way. Because these days art is big money and big business.


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