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The Watchmaker's Doctor Kindle Edition | Pages: 248 pages
Rating: 4.09 | 140 Users | 87 Reviews

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Edition Language: English

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If you could go back in time and redo one thing in your life, what would it be?

The Watchmaker’s Doctor is the first novella in Erase and Rewind, a collection for new adults that delves into the biggest regrets of the dying, and follows their stories of what might have been.

10% of G. M. T. Schuilling's proceeds from The Watchmaker’s Doctor will go to the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. The Foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding scientific research grants to improve treatment. Their vision is to ultimately develop cures and methods of prevention to enable people with mental health issues to live full, happy, and productive lives.
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"With the pace of a thriller and ideas from science fiction, The Watchmaker’s Doctor takes us on Anaya’s journey of discovery through shifts in time. In doing so, it has things to say about the choices we make and how we might live our life differently."
- Roisin Heycock, Director of YA and Children's list at Oneworld, winner of the Booker Prize 2015 and 2016.

"The Watchmaker’s Doctor is a thought-provoking look at the nature of free will, at the same time as an intimate picture of one girl’s growth to adulthood. I’d also highly recommend it to anyone interested in seeing an unsensationalised depiction of life with bipolar disorder."
- Anna Bowles, former Commissioning Editor at Hachette UK.

Anaya, a disillusioned, thirty-five-year-old doctor, has been looking after Gregory, a retired watchmaker and resident of an aged care facility. On her last visit, he gifts her his final creation, an exquisitely-crafted watch, knowing she will die tragically that very day. It will turn back time.

With one condition: she must choose the time and place to reset the clock, and redo just one thing in her life. Regrets, it seems, are easy to realise when you’re dying. Hers was dropping out of school at seventeen.

But what if, after one small change, her life would become much worse than it was? Or unthinkable disasters result from a single step off her path? When the alternative is die now, her choice makes itself. And so, Anaya’s story begins with her last thought. Would I have done this if I had any option but the grave?

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Title:The Watchmaker's Doctor
Author:G.M.T. Schuilling
Book Format:Kindle Edition
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 248 pages
Published:April 1st 2018
Categories:Science Fiction. Time Travel. Young Adult. Fantasy

Rating Based On Books The Watchmaker's Doctor
Ratings: 4.09 From 140 Users | 87 Reviews

Judgment Based On Books The Watchmaker's Doctor
What if you could go back in time and start over? Where would it begin?Anaya was walking across the road when an out of control driver swerved towards her. Her body flew through the air landing in an unnatural heap on the ground. A long time friend then offers her his watch that will allow her to return to any point in her life that she would like to change. As the hands on the watch spin backwards, she finds herself return to the day she quit school. With the chance to do things differently,

We all wonder at some point what might have been....The Watchmakers Doctor (Erase and Rewind Book 1) by G.M.T. Schuilling is a a very quick read. But its packed full of thought provoking experiences. We all wonder what might have been if we had done things differently or even just one thing differently. Anaya is 35 years old and tending to a retired watchmaker at an aged care facility. Knowing that she will die tragically that day he gifts her a beautifully crafted watch which would allow her to

Thought-provoking StoryWell the idea is not unique of travel back in times, but the way this book brings it up is surely different and a likable path to travel back in times. The idea of an opportunity to changes back one thing in your past that you regret, is surely good, but the warning and the realization or outcomes of that one decision is the real highlight. Anya Jones a doctor takes that journey of traveling back and changing her decision to drop out of school and surprising the outcome

This book, The Watchmaker's Doctor, really intrigued me. I was not sure if I would like it. I have read countless good reviews, so I decided to see if there was a giveaway for this book. It was a great decision that I decided to look. I entered the giveaway and I won! I read the book and could not put it down! It is a 5 star rating and it deserves more stars. So overall, I LOVED the novella.!When I started reading this wonderful novella I started to think about time travelling. Would I want to

I really enjoyed this book! It took a really unique turn on time travel, yet was still realistic. I liked the fact that the author didnt shy away from getting dark with the main characters past, and I felt she did a really good job writing a character with bipolar disorder. It was real, and light, yet dark and she still managed to make it humorous at times, and turned my heart into a big ball of emotions! The story flowed really well and I love the authors writing style! Would definitely

If you could go back in time and redo one thing in your life, what would it be?I think Im not the only one who at least had thought about that once in our life. There is always a moment, a minute you always want to come back to, but of course as we know, and especially me after reading a bunch of comics and stuff about time travel and its consequences, you really should think all of this twice, but the approach taken here is exquisite and so original, even now Im still thrilled.The main lesson

***Free ebook given in exchange for an honest review***You can find my less spoiler-y review here: OnlineBookClubAnaya, a 35-year-old doctor at St. Judes Residential Home, is in a slump. Feeling jaded with how her life has turned out, she makes her way to her session with her patient, Greg, unaware as to how this day would change the rest of her life. Greg, knowing she is going to die, gifts her his most prized possession; an watch he crafted during his time as a watchmaker. What she doesnt know

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